Thomas Made up Characters and Episodes Wiki

The Horrid Lorries, individually referred to as Lorry 1, Lorry 2, and Lorry 3, are three small lorries. 


When Percy was late one day, Cranky suggested that a lorry could do his work. True to his word, three red, incredibly rude lorries arrived the next day. They called Percy a "little green goblin on wheels", insulted Thomas and James, and told Toby that he belonged in a museum and also told him to "toodle off". Of course, all three got their comeuppance in due course: Lorry 2 fell off a mountainside, Lorry 3 broke down after being overloaded with flour, and Lorry 1 reversed into the sea. They were sent away, but not before being nicknamed "Smashed", "Broken", and "Sunk" by Thomas.


  • Railway Heroes - The Lorry vs. James the Red Engine (Lucifer only) 


  • In Railway Heroes, their names are Barabus, Adonijah and Lucifer. But Lucifer is the only surviving one. 